Pullovers work back, chest, arms, shoulders. Learn the pullover today!
The key here is that I want you to keep your back “on” the whole time. This means you’ll keep your shoulders pulled down away from your ears.
- Start with a light dumbbell at your chest as you are sitting, and then roll back into a laying position on your back.
- Press the dumbbell overhead, holding it with both hands.
- Now, apply that lats-pulled-down position, meaning you’re pressing your shoulder blades down your back.
- Keep your elbows slightly bent, but arms mostly straight here.
- Make a rotational movement with your arms, bringing the dumbbell close to the floor.
- Keep your chest facing up to the ceiling, and press the dumbbell over your face again. Repeat for 10 reps.
When you are done, bring the bell back to your chest and roll over to your side. Don’t just flop it out to the side with one arm.
There ya go – you did a set of pullovers!
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